Welcome to Sankey Scenics
The miniature signage specialist for British Railway Modellers
Adding Detail & Realism

We take a lot of care to try and get things right. Starting with original photographs, artwork and research, we aim to produce packs of signage that will add detail and realism to your models and give them a sense of authenticity.

Use the link buttons below to find the section that you wish to visit or go to the listings
"There's bound to be something in the range that will add that extra touch of realism." - BRM.
"These products are very simple to use but effective. These represent excellent value for money." - Hornby Magazine.
"Each pack is excellently printed on good quality card." - Railway Modeller.

Sankey Scenics Model Railway Signs
email: sankeyscenics@live.co.uk 07565 892209
Please note that whilst we can give advice over the phone, we are unable to process payments by this method.
© 2023 Sankey Scenics